Such good news! Thanks for sharing - heal quickly! Eileen

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Good to have you back, Laura. And better still, to hear that it appears you can put this cancer behind you now. (I'm familiar with this tedious time of cancer treatment ,ugh).

I've been awaiting word on when we can message again because I want to say THANK YOU for the list of toddler approved nature readings! I wrote down all 10 of your recommendations and will look into them over time for my granddaughter, Vivienne. I appreciate you and your work and enthusiasm.

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Wonderful news and pictures! Thanks for sharing, as I'm sure we were all wondering. :)

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Glad you’re back!~

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Thank you for sharing this wonderful news! What a relief! Happiest of holidays to you and your human and avian families all!

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Bless you Laura! Prayers for you each time I observe my backyard birds, especially the chickadees. One of our granddaughter’s first words was chick-a-dee-dee! 🎶 I love your uplifting writing and your photos! Lesley Hillsboro Oregon

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Be well, Laura, heal quickly! Birds and humans are glad you are back!

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Laura, Laura, Laura!!!

Such Great News! Thank You, for sharing yourself with all of us out here. I am always grateful to hear, or read of what is happening with you. Thanks for this news, for the pictures of your family, for the pictures of your feathered friends. Good health and a strong recovery in the days ahead!

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That is such good news, my dear friend. I pray for you and of course I appreciate you and all that you do for the birds. HUGS

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