Laura, even though I've been a fan of your writing for years, you continue to amaze me with the power of your work ... essays like this one, with so much heart and intelligence. I hope you'll collect some of your best in an anthology, to make them available for future generations.
I agree Kenn! Many people could get so much value from Laura's writings...we have, right?! I even started to cry when she told of the teacher and his empathy for her and her worms!!
Wonderful stories in this one, from the worms and Mr. Borkowski, to Screech owl who protected the Flicker babies, to Chandler Robbins. The world needs more Mr. Borkowskis, Chandler Robbinses, And Laura Ericksons, for sure. Thanks for lifting my spirits on a cold night during after a stressful week. :)
Laura, even though I've been a fan of your writing for years, you continue to amaze me with the power of your work ... essays like this one, with so much heart and intelligence. I hope you'll collect some of your best in an anthology, to make them available for future generations.
I agree Kenn! Many people could get so much value from Laura's writings...we have, right?! I even started to cry when she told of the teacher and his empathy for her and her worms!!
What a darling child you were! I really enjoyed reading this one.
"We all do better when we all do better." - Paul Wellstone
Precisely! What a profoundly unAmerican idea. At least nowadays.
Wonderful stories in this one, from the worms and Mr. Borkowski, to Screech owl who protected the Flicker babies, to Chandler Robbins. The world needs more Mr. Borkowskis, Chandler Robbinses, And Laura Ericksons, for sure. Thanks for lifting my spirits on a cold night during after a stressful week. :)