Thank you, Laura, for caring and sharing and informing us! I appreciate you more than these words can express.

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thank you from the heart, laura, for getting this information out.

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I am hopeful that musk will be arrested soon. My understanding is that the courts that find him in contempt have the ability to hire and dispatch agents to arrest him. If they could confine him indefinitely on multiple charges resulting from his conflicts as a gov't. contractor, perhaps we could move on with ongoing and further resistance to the entire trump plague.

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I heard from Dr. Kai Pflug 付恺 (博士) in Shanghai, who writes:

I fully agree with your assessment of Mr. Musk. For me, the whole combination of space travel and protecting the environment has never been credible at all - massive resources spent on getting a few rich people a space holiday ... and the long-term arguments about creating a second habitat for people are equally spurious and would in any case also apply to a few ultra-rich people at the expense of depleting the resources of the earth even more.

In my comments, I wanted to mention one thing about the reaction of German car buyers to Musk's support for right-wing German parties - sales of Tesla in Germany have slumped by 59% comparing January 2024 with January 2025. It seems that the typical Tesla buyer (upper middle class, environmentally friendly at least in his/her mind, liberal or left-wingish) is deterred while there is no sufficient pool of Nazi EV buyers to compensate ...



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So sad to read this, but so glad you wrote it. Thank you 🙏🏻.

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Thanks for speaking out, for the birds!

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