This and your work is so important. I'm trying to keep abreast of the wind farm project threatening GREATER PRAIRIE CHICKENS remaining in your state. Not sure I want to get you started on that. It's complex. You having to water down all your research and thoughts on that issue into a column seems impossible and a headache. I know you are at least doing what you can. A lot of VERY competent people at the Wisconsin Society for Ornithology and even the Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance I know are on it. Our population growth and concomitant development need limits somehow. Your beautiful bird and birds deserve it.

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After being able to take a road trip to NE to see the Sand Hill Cranes a few years ago, I am more than sympathetic to getting the transmission lines underground, etc. It seems unconscionable that Audobon doesn't see the light...!

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Yep. Following Helene and Milton, more people are noticing that underground cables really are better in extreme weather. (<https://www.eenews.net/articles/can-buried-power-lines-keep-the-lights-on-during-extreme-storms/>)

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I enjoyed the Audubon birds and transmission line report on their black conservation app.

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