That's a nice, heartwarming, important story, Laura. MY Joan was important, too-- my Mom! She was not a birder, but a profound, independent-minded, feisty influence on my life. And she loved and supported tremendously my birding and amateur ornithology career. YOUR Joan seems most gracious, kind, and sweet- and a smart birder and woman. We male ornithophiles don't appreciate enough our mothers, female partners, daughters, and female birds. Thank you as always, again, and here's to a long life and friendship for both of you.

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What a story! Being from MI (Bellevue, on a dairy farm), Hartwick Pines was a place our family stopped when able to get away from the cows! Laura, you are my Joan! Just wish I'd started birding earlier in life, but glad I have you to check in with! Thank you dear Friend! Polly

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You are so kind, Polly!

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A beautiful story of how much so few minutes can mean in a life. Thank you, Laura.

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